
National Conference for Engaged Scholarship on Hidden Populations (NCHP)

Ended Oct 1, 2021

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Full course description

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Due to impacts from COVID-19, the National Conference for Engaged Scholarship on Hidden Populations will be held virtually on September 15 and 16, 2021 and include only research presentations and status updates from 2020 existing conference research teams. 


  • To stimulate research-to-practice-to-research knowledge about foster alumni and other traditionally hidden populations who are college-bound, in college or college graduates. 
  • To create bridges among diverse areas of knowledge, researchers and practitioners conducting research with or supporting foster alumni or other hidden populations. 
  • To share updates and ways for higher education researchers, practitioners and others to get involved. 

Working Definitions

Hidden populations: Students who are not visibily identifiable, experience or perceive a lack of voice in higher education processes and systems and who are often resistant to self-identifying (typically because of fears about social judgement and/or labeling). Although our knowledge continues to evolve, current examples of hidden populations include students with foster care or other out-of-home experience, survivors of sexual violence, justice-involved students, Third Culture Kids, those recovering from drug or alcohol addiction and those facing basic needs insecurities. 

College: All types of degree-granting educational institutions including two-year, four-year, public, private, faith-based, tribal, etc. Students may be college bound, current college students or college graduates. 

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  • Contact the OSU IT Helpdesk if you need assistance.